In French explorer Jacques Cartier’s journals there lies a story about the healing power of pine bark that foreshadows what modern scientists discovered hundreds of years later.
While stranded near Quebec during the winter of 1534 Cartier and crew soon started suffering from a mysterious illness that claimed 25 lives, until the Natives shared with them a tea made from pine needles and bark.
Cartier’s entries are just a footnote, an early clue left to us that pine bark might contain healing powers we wouldn’t understand for a long time.
The Key Discovery: Pine Bark Extract
Fast forward to the 1940s: researcher Jacques Masquelier started extracting substances from the pine bark in France. He discovered that the extract contained powerful antioxidants called oligomeric proanthocyanidins compounds (OPCs). This extract, among other things, provides Vitamin C and increases its effects.
This filled in the blanks for what happened to Cartier. The disease he wrote about? Scurvy. The cure? Pine bark. His crew, caught up in a long journey on the seas, wasn’t getting enough Vitamin C. When the Natives shared the pine bark tea with them, they were able to recover.
The Big Benefits Pine Bark Extract Offers
That discovery didn’t just answer a question from France’s past. It also paved the way for the future. Within 20 years, pine bark extract was available as a natural healing remedy.
Scientists and researchers, including Masquelier, continued to study the powerful antioxidant.
Antioxidants work to neutralize free radicals—substances in the body that break down cells, potentially contributing to heart disease, diabetes, aging, immune diseases, and more. The OPCs in pine bark extract increase the body’s antioxidant profile, allowing the body to target the free radicals and neutralize the damage.
Here are just some of the benefits pine bark extract offers:
1. Boost Brain Function
Studies show that pine bark extract promotes brain function, memory, and attention span, as well as reducing risk of Alzheimers.
2. Reduce Inflammation
When your body triggers an immune response, pain and inflammation can run rampant. Pine bark extract might inhibit the enzyme that causes inflammation response, calming the body and easing pain in cases of asthma, arthritis, sunburn, and more.
3. Fight Off Colds
Pine bark extract could reduce the length of the common cold and ease symptoms (sore throat, congestion, cough, sneezing, and headache).
4. Prevent Migraines
In clinical studies, pine bark extract reduced frequency and severity of chronic migraines.
5. Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar Levels
When combined with standard treatment for diabetes type II, pine bark extract could significantly lower glucose levels.
These are just a handful of potential benefits that scientists have linked to pine bark extract. Other benefits include decreased skin damage, boosting libido, treating erectile dysfunction, lowering blood pressure, and lowering cholesterol.
OPCXtra: Your Source for Pine Bark and Other Super Antioxidants
The wide range of potential benefits from pine bark extract speaks for itself. That’s why pine bark extract is a key ingredient in our Family’s favorite morning drink, OPCXtra, our isotonic super antioxidant supplement.
Our customers have experienced the powerful benefits from pine bark extract with a daily dose of OPCXtra.
“I have been using it for about 10 days now and I feel much better than I did before. I like the energy boost that it gives your body and I also believe that it has helped my type 2 Diabetes. My blood sugar has improved after I started taking this product. Very happy I will definitely order some more before I run out.” -Tony
“I’ve been using OPC-3/OPCXtra for over 10 years. It’s one of the few nutritional supplements that I’m faithful about taking, because the results are indisputable. I have MS and arthritis, which is to say I deal with regular inflammation throughout the body. This product keeps the inflammation in check.” -Lisa
“I have been using OPC for more than 10 years. It has get rid of my Migraine and rashes on my body since using it. My whole family is using the product and are very happy with it.” -Michael
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