This fruit is commonly overlooked for an apple, a pear, or a peach as an on-the-go snack. But apricots deserve much more attention than they get with the amount of carotenoids, vitamins, and fiber they pack. It’s nutritional content not only helps to fight cancer, and regulate electrolytes but also to keep your skin, eyes, and hair healthy for the summer months!
- Carotenoids – Their vibrant colored skin is a great indicator of the cancer fighting properties this fruit contains. Apricots are particularly full of beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin (associated with lowered lung cancer risk).
- Vitamin A – Your body turns carotenoids into vitamin A, which contributes to healthy eyes, skin, gums, and glands.
- Potassium – Potassium is the main electrolyte in the interior of our cells, and as such it promotes many bodily functions. It plays a role in regulating heart beat, balancing acid-base levels, breaking down carbohydrates, building muscle, and maintaining body growth.
Though delicious either way, dehydrated apricots have triple the fiber and potassium than the fresh fruit. Adding dehydrated apricots to a trail mix or to a morning oatmeal is a great way to help your body to be at its best.