Mar 19 - 6 min read
No matter what you may have heard, you can’t actually BOOST your immune system beyond its capacity.
Yesterday, in an effort to get to the truth of how we can all be most prepared during this crazy time, I spoke with my cousin Megan, who has a PhD in Chemical Biology and is a Research Scientist at MIT.
This article will recap my call with Megan and will cover:
- The Only 2 Ways to Support Your Immune System
- The #1 Most Wasteful Drain of Your Immune Response
- The Only 2 Ways to Prevent this Wasteful Drain
- Plant Based Antioxidants 20x More Powerful than Vitamin C
- What We as a Family Are Doing Today to Keep Our Immune Systems Strong
The ONLY 2 Ways to Support Your Immune System
Think of the Immune System kind of like a battery 🔋…
You can’t charge a battery beyond 100% and similarly your Immune System cannot be BOOSTED beyond 100%.
The issue isn't how to boost the immune system, the issue is what you can do to make sure the battery is fully charged and ready for when you need it most.
If a battery gets drained, we want to make sure we aren’t draining it unnecessarily, and we want to give it the ability to recharge.
And the same goes for our Immune Response.
Maybe you haven't realized this yet, but our Immune Systems are NOT unlimited.
This is why now more than ever, we want conserve and recharge our Immune System so it's at full force for whats most important.
The Only 2 Ways We Can Support Our Immune System:
- Help Your Immune System Recharge
- Do Not Wastefully Drain Your Immune Response
Similarly, here is Harvard Health’s guidance on How to Support Your Immune System:
Don’t Smoke
Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables
Exercise regularly
Maintain a healthy weight
Only drink Alcohol in moderation
Get adequate sleep
Avoid infection
Minimize stress
You maybe haven't realized this yet, but all of these steps are taken to either recharge the immune system (rest, exercise, diet), or not wastefully drain it (alcohol, smoking, stress, infection, weight).
But let’s take this a step further and examine WHY this is the guidance…
The #1 Most Wasteful Drain of Your Immune Response
The truth is, these guidelines are put in place to help our bodies avoid and combat ONE THING:
Yesterday Megan explained to me that our body’s natural processes become over-burdened by Free Radical Damage, leading to the immune system response of systemic inflammation, when we are overexposed to Free Radicals.
What strikes me as most concerning is simply how avoidable Free Radical Damage is!
The fact that we can take measures other than deploying our precious immune system is WHY this is the most wasteful drain on our immune response today.
It’s not that it isn’t important to Fight Free Radical Damage… as a matter of fact it is critically important that we prevent Free Radical Damage.
The issue is we shouldn’t be relying on the immune system to do this for us when there are much simpler, more effective ways that allow us to conserve our immune response for when we need it most.
And then there's this...
Not only is fighting Free Radical Damage one of the most wasteful and preventable drains on our Immune System...
Free Radical Damage has been studied in connection to OVER 100 Chronic Diseases and Ailments, including 8 of the top 10 leading causes of death.
So, how do we know if we’re experiencing Free Radical Damage?
Here are some of the most common symptoms of Free Radical Damage:
- Accelerated Visible Aging
- Joint and Body Aches/Pain/Stiffness
- Low Energy and Fatigue
- Weakened Immune System Response
The ONLY 2 Ways to Prevent this Wasteful Drain
It’s important for us to realize that similar to supporting our Immune System, there are ONLY 2 ways for us to Prevent Free Radical Damage:
- Avoid Unnecessary Exposure to Free Radical Sources
- Neutralize Free Radicals With Antioxidants
An increase in Free Radicals comes from overexposure to:
- Stress 😡
- Alcohol 🍸
- Smoking 🚬
- Over Exercise 🏃🏻♂️
- Lack of Sleep 💤
- Poor Diet 🥩
- Pollution 🏭
- Environmental Toxins 🌎
- Infection 🤢
- Medication 💊
- The Sun ☀️
- Radiation ☢️
- Bluelight 💻
- And More...
As you’ll notice, these Free Radical producers line up almost directly with the guidance given by Harvard Health and other educational and governmental health institutions as to how to support the immune system.
Beyond reducing our exposure to the above we can work to neutralize Free Radicals with Antioxidants.
*Free Radicals as essentially molecules missing an electron. Antioxidants are molecules that have extra electrons.*
Without enough Antioxidants in the body to balance the Free Radicals, they will steal electrons from healthy cells which triggers a destructive chain reaction that depletes the immune system, causes cellular inflammation, damage to DNA, and presents as the symptoms listed above.
Antioxidants are the ONLY way to neutralize Free Radicals.
And, not all antioxidants are created equal.
OPCs: Plant Based Super Antioxidants 20x More Powerful than Vitamin C
The reason Vitamin C is touted as an immune support supplement is because of its antioxidant properties.
This is also why it is encouraged to eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, because of their vitamin and antioxidant properties.
But OPCs (short for Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins) are Natural Plant Based Super Antioxidants that are 20x more powerful than Vitamin C and 50x more powerful than Vitamin E.
This is why OPCs have been shown to:
✅ Support the Immune System
✅ Promote Relief from Pain and Fatigue
✅ Amplify the Effects of Vitamin C + Vitamin E
✅ Protect The Body From Internal and External Stress
OPCs are more effective at neutralizing Free Radicals, and therefore are more effective at preventing Free Radical Damage to help keep our Immune System strong and fully charged.
An often overlooked benefit of OPCs are their synergistic effects and ability to amplify other antioxidants.
Not only do they help to make Vitamin C and Vitamin E function more effectively, OPCs paired together are orders of magnitude more effective than OPCs taken alone.
Common OPCs you may be familiar with include:
- 🍇 Grape Seed Extract (aka GSE)
- 🌲 Pine Bark Extract (aka Pycnogenol or French Maritime Pine)
- 🍷 Red Wine Extract (aka Resveratrol)
Many people who are taking these OPC supplements alone are missing out on the synergistic benefits of taking them together.
This is why our Family created OPCXtra to contain 6 Super Antioxidants instead of just one, two, or three - and why we included Vitamin C and Vitamin E in our formulation.
What We as a Family Are Doing Today to Keep Our Immune Systems Strong
Will any of the measures we or anyone is suggesting actually fight the virus itself?
Probably not.
But we are doing as much as we can to keep our Immune System as strong as possible so that if we need it to fight the virus, it is charged and at full strength.
- We are getting extra sleep/rest as needed
- We are diligent in washing our hands
- We are practicing social distancing
- We are avoiding and limiting exposure to free radical producers
- We are taking a daily double and sometimes triple dose of OPCXtra to fight Free Radicals and prevent the burden of Free Radical Damage on our Immune System
And we recommend that you do the same.
If you’d like to learn more about Free Radical Damage’s effect on our health and what OPCXtra is all about you can head to:
➡️ https://go.optihealthproducts.com/home-v8-1
📞 Give us a call at 866-875-1255 and Aunt Gigi will be happy to help you!
Stay positive and stay strong.
Together we will get through this.
Best of Health,
💚 The OptiHealth Family 💚
P.S. Orders Placed Today will Ship Tomorrow 📦
P.P.S. If you’re new to the OptiLifer Family and would like to ask our customers directly about our Family and OPCXtra please head to our Facebook Page and I’m sure they’ll be happy to help!
6 Reasons why you may specifically want to try our Family’s OPCXtra:
1️⃣ Since 2001 We’ve Offered a 365 Day Guarantee and Refund Policy - Our Family’s Promise is: if you don’t LOVE it, you don’t pay for it.
2️⃣ We Synergistically Combine 6 Super Antioxidants instead of just one, two, or three to Maximize Their Combined Effectiveness
3️⃣ OPCXtra and all of our supplements are Isotonic Powdered Drink Mixes, which makes the nutrients as bioavailable as possible and means you’re actually absorbing the nutrients instead of wasting them. Also this means you don’t have to swallow another pill!
4️⃣ OPCXtra costs as low as $0.41 per serving and our ingredients are standardized to >97% Proanthocyanidins
5️⃣ We’ve Served Over 32,000 Customers and Have a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4.7 Star Rating Based on Close to 1,000 Reviews
6️⃣ We are Family Owned and Operated and Are Here to Support You Beyond Just the Products We Create
Reference and Resources:
- Harvard Health - How to Boost Your Immune System
- OPC Antioxidant Reference Guide
- Medical News Today - How Do Free Radicals Damage the Body
- Live Science - What Are Free Radicals?
- Alternative Medicine Review - The OPC Monograph
- Proanthocyanidins: A Comprehensive Review
- Live Better, Longer - by Richard A. Passwater
- Dr. Jack Masquelier's Mark on Health - by Bert Schwitters
read your news on what your family is doing and i commend your reasoned responce to these trying times i have also instituted your recommended social distancing taking extra opc washing hands often plenty of rest. your company/family brings joy and peace of mind to me thank you.. j.w.mcd
Ian and Alicia – Thanks so much for sharing this – and I’m going to pass it along to my friends. As a read it, many things come I’ve faced (i.e. radiation and stress during cancer) and came through very well. I attribute this to taking OPCXtra at that time. I’m so glad you’ve done this research.