SuperFood Saturday: Eggs

Eggs have a bad reputation for increasing cholesterol, but research shows that little of this cholesterol actually makes it into the bloodstream. This powerful protein source is an easy way to pack in a wealth of nutrients. To overcome an egg’s bad rap, here are some of the prominent nutrients...
Antioxidants 101

What are antioxidants? We learned about free radicals last week and the danger they pose to our aging bodies, but nature has compounds ready to offset the production of free radicals. These compounds are called antioxidants. They contain more electrons than they need, and thus can willingly give away electrons to a...
SuperFood Saturday: Artichokes

Whoever was the first brave soul to try to eat an artichoke was truly a genius. These vegetables are picked right before they can blossom into a beautiful purple flower, but the nutrients packed inside go above and beyond its aesthetic appeal. Artichoke leaves and hearts pack a healthy dose...
Free Radicals 101

What are free radicals? A free radical is any chemical compound that contains one, as opposed to two electrons. All molecules, and therefore all living things, are held together by a “glue” of electrons. Molecules are happy, or stable, when they have the right number of electrons. It is when...
SuperFood Saturday: Quinoa
This superfood (pronounced Keen-Wah) is usually mistaken as a grain, but is actually a seed packed with protein, vitamins, and minerals that give you long lasting energy and many other health benefits. Let’s take a closer look at these little guys to see what they can do for you! ...