Vitamins and Minerals: What they’re actually doing in your body

This week’s newsletter comes as a guest post from Megan Kizer. Megan is very close friend of mine who is currently studying Biochemistry at Binghamton University. Megan will be routinely posting to our blog to help illustrate the science behind the processes occurring in our bodies. Megan has already begun her...
SuperFood Saturday: Kiwifruit

We all know that Kiwis are delicious, but did you know they’re also a SuperFood which boast an impressive nutritional profile. Here are some of the essential nutrients that kiwifruit contain and the benefits they have on our health. 1. Vitamin C – One kiwifruit contains as much Vitamin C as one...
Health Tip Tuesday: Eat Your Breakfast!

Do you make a point to eat breakfast every morning? Do you make a point to eat a HEALTHY breakfast every morning? Doughnuts and pastries don’t count! 93% of Americans recognize that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but only 44% say that they eat it everyday!...
The OptiHealth Guide to Meditation

In this week’s newsletter we wanted to focus on a practice which can help you to achieve spiritual well-being and improve your stress management. That practice is meditation. For anyone unfamiliar with meditation, meditation is the act of engaging in contemplation or reflection for the purpose of reaching a heightened...
6 Super Antioxidant Series: Bilberry vs. Blueberry

Bilberries, native to Europe, often get confused with blueberries, which are native to North America. Often times the name bilberry gets directly translated to “blueberry” in several European languages, this can cause confusion as there are distinct differences between bilberries and the commonly known blueberry in American English. This image...