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Top 10 Tips to Time Management

Do you, like me, find that sometimes there just aren’t enough hours in the day to accomplish everything you set out to do?  Some days I find myself wishing I had a little more time to get everything done.  While we can’t add more time to the day, we can...

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The Truth About Sugar

You may have seen that we recently posted an article to our Facebook Page titled “9 Shocking Facts You Need to Know About Sugar.” If you took the time to poke through this article, then you already know that Americans’ sugar consumption is through the roof! To give you a...

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The Five Pillars of Good Health

Want to keep it simple in the New Year? Here are Dr. Andrew Weil’s five most fundamental and powerful pieces of health advice. Practice all five, and 2015 promises to be your healthiest year yet. In the true spirit of integrative medicine, these tips don’t cover only physical health –...

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Flu Season 2015 – Everything You Need to Stay Healthy

Flu Season 2015 – Everything You Need to Stay Healthy

With Flu season upon us, we felt it would be appropriate to dedicate our first blog post to everything Flu. Unfortunately my son got struck with a mild case of the flu between Christmas and New Years. After witnessing the flu firsthand this year, I dedicated some time to compiling valuable...

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