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🌻 3 Ways OPC's Fight Seasonal Allergies

🌻  3 Ways OPC's Fight Seasonal Allergies

Spring means warmer weather and longer sunny days but it also means flower buds and blooming trees and if you're one of the millions of people who have seasonal allergies, spring also also means sneezing, congestion, a runny nose.  These seasonal allergies and symptoms can make the spring feel miserable!  Allergies...

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Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins: What Are They? 🍇

Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins: What Are They? 🍇

Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins or OPC's for short.  Certainly a mouthful to say, but what are they exactly? Here at OptiHealth, we’ve been talking about OPCs (and, more importantly, their benefits to you) for over two decades!  So...what exactly are OPCs? And can they actually help you?  Read on to find out the answers...

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The 4 Major Benefits of Grape Seed Extract 🍇

The 4 Major Benefits of Grape Seed Extract 🍇

Wine has been around for eons. Since the biblical times, people transformed wine grapes into a quality tipple. But did you know wine grapes also have a long history of medicinal use? People rubbed sap from the vines on their skin to treat rashes and scrapes. They made poultices with...

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6 Ways to Better Manage Your Cholesterol 🚨

6 Ways to Better Manage Your Cholesterol 🚨

February is American Heart Month.  Unfortunately, every year more than 600,000 Americans die from heart disease, which is about 1 in every 4 deaths.  Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the US.  Risk factors for heart...

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5 Ways OPC's Support Heart Health ❤️

5 Ways OPC's Support Heart Health ❤️

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, it’s the perfect time to talk about how to support your heart health. No, we’re not talking about romance and heartache (there’s not much we can do about that!), but when it comes to physical heart health, OPCs have a long history of...

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